Red Dye
Soak in a solution of 1 quart warm water, 1/2 teaspoon liquid hand dishwashing detergent and 1 tablespoon ammonia for 30 minutes. Rinse with water. Soak in solution of 1 quart warm water and 1 tablespoon white vinegar for 1 hour. Rinse with water. Dry. Apply alcohol and cover with pad dampened with alcohol. Change pad as it picks up stain. Keep stain and pad moist with alcohol. Rinse with water. Bleaching may remove the final traces of stain.
Yellow Dye
Sponge with a commercial cleaner until no more stain is removed. Apply amyl acetate. Flush with the commercial cleaner. Allow to dry. Sponge with water. Apply diluted hand dishwashing detergent to stain. Add a few drops of ammonia. Allow to dry. Sponge with alcohol and pat with pad of absorbent material dampened with alcohol. Allow to dry. If any stain is left, use chlorine bleach if safe for fabric.
Look for products containing petroleum distillates or hydrocarbon such as trichloroethane, xylene, methylenechloride, methane, benzene and/or naphtha. These chemicals may be found in such spot removers and cleaners as Guardsman's Afta, Dap Cleaner and Thinner, Goof Off, M-1 Remover, Goo Gone, K2r.
Other Colored Dye
Soak in a solution of 1 quart warm water, 1/2 teaspoon liquid hand dishwashing detergent, and 1 tablespoon white vinegar for 30 minutes. Agitate occasionally. Rinse with water. Dry. Apply alcohol to stain. Apply pad of absorbent material dampened with alcohol. Change pad as it picks up stain. Keep pad and stain moist with alcohol. Flush with alcohol. Allow to dry. Soak in a solution of 1 quart warm water, 1/2 teaspoon liquid hand dishwashing detergent and 1 tablespoon ammonia for 30 minutes. Rinse with water. If any stain is left, use chlorine bleach if safe for fabric.
- Always read the care label before trying any stain removal method. Do not use any products or procedures prohibited by the care label.
- Be careful any time a commercial product or combination of cleaning supplies are used.
- Always pretest each cleaning agent on an inconspicuous area first to determine colorfastness.
- Be sure to store and dispose of products/cans/containers as recommended. Keep out of reach of children.
- When using caustic or commercial cleaning solutions, be certain to provide for adequate ventilation.
Dye Transfer
With NON-COLORFAST GARMENTS, use commercial color remover on white fabric or use chlorine or oxygen bleach if safe for fabric.
- Always read the care label before trying any stain removal method. Do not use any products or procedures prohibited by the care label.
- Be careful any time a commercial product or combination of cleaning supplies are used.
- Always pretest each cleaning agent on an inconspicuous area first to determine colorfastness.
- Be sure to store and dispose of products/cans/containers as recommended. Keep out of reach of children.
- When using caustic or commercial cleaning solutions, be certain to provide for adequate ventilation.
Blended Fibers, Synthetic Fibers
Stains caused by agents that are designed to stain or dye in the first place are extremely difficult to remove.
- Blot to remove excess liquid using an absorbent cloth or paper towel. Do not spread the spill. Dampen an absorbent cloth with full-strength white vinegar and sponge the stained area. Blot, then spray the stain using a general household cleaner such as 409 or Fantastic. Agitate using fingers, or with an old toothbrush if stain is stubborn. Blot, than sponge with clear water. Blot again to remove excess moisture. Rub hand across carpet (against the nap) to set the pile. Allow to dry.
- If stain remains, make a solution of 1 part clear (non-sudsy) ammonia to 4 parts water. Moisten an absorbent cloth with the solution. Dab at the stain until it is removed. Sponge with clear water, blot, and then set pile as described in Method #1 above. Allow to dry.
- Be careful any time a commercial product or combination of cleaning supplies are used.
- Always pretest each cleaning agent on an inconspicuous area first to determine colorfastness.
- When using caustic, toxic, aromatic or flammable cleaning solutions, be certain to provide for adequate ventilation. Do not have an open flame near flammable cleaning solutions. Wear rubber gloves.
Natural Fibers, Wool
- Blot the excess spill. Sponge with clear water. Make a solution of 1 part glycerin, 1 part white dishwashing detergent and 8 parts water. Add a drop or two of white vinegar to the solution and apply to the stain. Dab at the stain with a cloth moistened in the solution. Blot frequently as the stain is loosened. Keep the stain moist with the solution. When no more stain is being removed, sponge with cool water. Blot thoroughly.
- If stain remains, apply butyl alcohol to the stain. Cover with an absorbent pad moistened with alcohol. Let it remain as long as stain is being removed and keep the stain and pad moist. Blot and allow to air dry.
Do not use vinegar on cotton or linen.
Hard Surface Floors
- Wipe up any excess with a cloth or sponge dipped in warm sudsy water. Rinse well and wipe dry.
- If stain persists, cover with an absorbent pad soaked in rubbing alcohol. Leave in place for several minutes, then wipe the area with a cloth dampened with ammonia. Rinse well with a cloth dipped in warm sudsy water and re-wipe with a cloth dampened with clear water. Allow to dry and polish or wax the surface if needed.
- Do not use ammonia on linoleum or vinyl.
- Be careful any time a commercial product or combination of cleaning supplies are used.
- Be sure to store and dispose of products!cans/containers as recommended. Keep out of reach of children.
Stone/masonry (Marble)
- Immediately wipe up the spill with a cloth or sponge dipped in warm, sudsy water. Rinse well and wipe dry
- If stain remains, soak an absorbent cloth in rubbing alcohol, wring almost dry and place over stain. Wait 5 minutes and remove. Replace with an absorbent pad soaked in ammonia and wrung nearly dry. Alternate alcohol and ammonia pads until stain has been removed. Wipe surface with a cloth moistened with cool, clear water. Wipe dry with a clean cloth.
Be careful any time a commercial product or combination of cleaning supplies are used. • Be sure to store and dispose of products/cans/containers as recommended. Keep out of reach of children.
- Immediately wipe up the spill with a cloth or sponge dipped in warm, sudsy water. Rinse well and wipe dry.
- If stain remains, soak an absorbent cloth in rubbing alcohol, wring almost dry and place over stain. Wait 5 minutes and remove. Replace with an absorbent pad soaked in ammonia and wrung nearly dry. Alternate alcohol and ammonia pads until stain has been removed. Wipe surface with a cloth moistened with cool, clear water. Wipe dry with a clean cloth.
- If stain remains, make a poultice of hydrogen peroxide bleach (6 percent or hair bleach strength) and Whiting. Add a few drops of clean household ammonia. Apply the poultice to the stain. Cover with plastic wrap and allow to stand several hours. More than one application may be necessary. Rinse and dry thoroughly.
- Be careful any time a commercial product or combination of cleaning supplies are used.
- Always pretest each cleaning agent on an inconspicuous area first to determine colorfastness.
- When using caustic, toxic, aromatic or flammable cleaning solutions, be certain to provide for adequate ventilation. Do not have an open flame near flammable cleaning solutions. Wear rubber gloves.
Upholstered Furniture
Blended Fibers, Fiberglass, R-.atural Fibers, Synthetic Flbers, Wool
- Blot all excess spill and sponge with clear water. Make a solution of 1 quart warm water, 1/2 teaspoon white liquid dishwashing detergent and apply to an absorbent cloth. To cloth, add a few drops of white vinegar. Place on stain, applying pressure. Leave on stain for 15 minutes, keeping pad moist with the solution. Blot occasionally to remove stain. When all or no more stain is being removed, sponge with clear water. Blot thoroughly and allow to dry quickly.
- If stain persists, apply more detergent solution to a soft, absorbent cloth and add a few drops of ammonia. Follow the same procedure as in Method #1.
- Be careful any time a commercial product or combination of cleaning supplies are used.
- AIways pretest each cI ean i ng agent on an inconspicuous area fi rst to determ i ne colorfastness.
- When using caustic, toxic, aromatic or flammable cleaning solutions, be certain to provide for adequate ventilation. Do not have an open flame near flammable cleaning solutions. Wear rubber gloves.
- Overwetting with water may cause the finish on the upholstery fabric to migrate and thus leave a circle in the treated area.
- Ammonia damages silk and wool. If you must use on these fibers, dilute with equal amounts of water and use sparingly.
- Alcohol will damage acetate, triacetate, modacrylics and acrylic fibers. Dilute with 2 parts water on acetate.
- Vinegar should be diluted with 2 parts water to 1 part vinegar if used on cotton or linen.
Dye will immediately change the color of this material. Once contact has been made, there is no way to remove the stain.
Vinyl, Vinyl Coated
Immediately wipe up the spill with a cloth or sponge dipped in warm sudsy water. Rinse well and wipe dry.
- Immediately wipe up the spill with a cloth or sponge dipped in warm, sudsy water. Rinse well and wipe dry.
- If stain remains, soak an absorbent cloth in rubbing alcohol, wring almost dry and place over stain. Wait 5 minutes and remove. Replace with an absorbent pad soaked in ammonia and wrung nearly dry. Alternate alcohol and ammonia pads until stain has been removed. Wipe surface with a cloth moistened with cool, clear water. Wipe dry with a clean cloth.
- Be careful any time a commercial product or combination of cleaning supplies are used.
- Always pretest each cleaning agent on an inconspicuous area first to determine colorfastness.
- When using caustic, toxic, aromatic or flammable cleaning solutions, be certain to provide for adequate ventilation. Do not have an open flame near flammable cleaning solutions. Wear rubber gloves.
Efflorescence (White Salt Deposit)
Make a solution of 1 part muriatic acid and 9 parts water. Scrub the stained area using a stiff-bristled brush. Rinse with clear water and allow to dry. Repeat process if necessary.
- Be careful any time a commercial product or combination of cleaning supplies are used.
- Be sure to store and dispose of products/cans!containers as recommended. Keep out of reach of chi Idren.
- When using caustic, toxic, aromatic or flammable cleaning sOlutions, be certain to provide for adequate venti lation.