Dean’s Update 3/1/23
Happy Spring, everyone! Plants are budding and blossoming all over and, judging by everyone’s allergies, so is pollen. I hope you all have plans to get outside and otherwise enjoy the upcoming spring break. Please read over the announcements here, I encourage you personally to attend the alumni events (you’ll see some familiar and welcome faces!) and to participate in Dawg Day of Giving, especially to amplify gifts and participate in your academic unit’s challenges.
It’s also awards season, so plan to hear about faculty and staff awards. Please also note that the Provost will attend our College Assembly on April 11 at 3:30 in the Georgia Center. In your academic unit, questions for the Provost will be solicited, so we can be efficient with time.
Alumni Awards
Each year, the College of Family and Consumer Sciences presents several awards to outstanding alumni, faculty, and friends. The various awards recognize the many contributions made to the college, the profession, and society. This year’s awardees will be honored at the 44th annual Alumni Awards on Friday, March 24 at the State Botanical Gardens. It promises to be a lovely venue and great event! If you would like to attend, you may purchase tickets here.
This year, we are inducting Linda Kirk Fox and Lynn Bailey into the Honor Hall of Recognition, which is the college’s highest honor. To see the list of honorees, visit this link.
SAGE Student Progress Surveys
Please complete a Progress Survey in SAGE for any undergraduate student you have concerns about or that you want to provide positive feedback about. To complete the Progress Survey for your course(s):
- Login to SAGE.
- A link to your Outstanding Progress Surveys will be displayed at the top left of your SAGE homepage.
- Use the dropdown to select a section you are teaching this semester, which will display your class roster. Next to each student name will be four checkboxes. Fill the comment box in for each student you want to provide feedback for in the course. Submit when all your feedback is complete.
Financial Literacy Week
The inaugural Financial Literacy Week at UGA, April 10th-14, is intended to raise awareness and create conversation around money and its importance in our lives. Efforts and events for the week are being co-led by Dr. Kimberly Watkins, FHCE, Dr. Megan Ford, ASPIRE, and Dr. Kristy Archuleta, FHCE. Please join us! All students, staff, and faculty are welcome.
Financial Literacy Week - April 10-14th
Financial Literacy Day on the Lawn - Wednesday, April 12, 12-4 p.m. in Myers Quad
Screening of Documentary Film "$avvy: Women, Money, Freedom" + panel discussion - Thursday, April 13th at 5pm (Location is TBD)
Development and Alumni News
Please mark your calendars for the Dawg Day of Giving on March 30. This is a 24-hour unified fundraising effort calling on UGA alumni, friends, faculty, staff and students to support private giving at UGA and increase our alumni participation rates. All gifts made through the Dawg Day of Giving website, on the day itself, or via a Giving Day donation form will count. We’re highlighting the FACS Fund for Excellence, but a donation to any FACS fund counts in FACS’s totals. As incentive, FACS can receive an additional $5,000, $2,500, or $1,000 for being one of the top 3 schools/colleges with total number of gifts. Colleges will be categorized by large, medium and small sizes to level the playing field. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for more information!
Trending Topics Outreach Presentations
Tuesday, March 21, 3 – 5 p.m., featuring Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics
2023 Spring Farm Stress Summit
Monday, March 20, 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., The Center for Rural Health Innovation, Mercer University – Macon Campus Register & Learn more here
An event for community leaders and organizations interested in supporting the mental health and well-being of farmers and their families.
From healthcare providers and nonprofits to county officials and faith leaders, the 2023 Spring Farm Stress Summit welcomes all who want to further their efforts in combatting farm stress within our communities. This event aims to learn from each other, connect communities with existing resources, and further establish partnerships across organizations.
Key target audiences for this free event include medical providers, counselors, church leaders, extension agents and specialists, Georgia Farm Bureau members and staff, policy makers, lenders, local elected officials, county/city municipal staff, pharmacists, school system personnel, agricultural producers, and agribusiness owners/operators. In addition, 2.5 CEU general contact hours are available for social workers and other professionals, including licensed family counselors, marriage/and family therapists.
Active Learning Ambassador Applications
As part of The University of Georgia’s new initiative, Active Learning at UGA, the Office of Active Learning is currently accepting applications for our ambassador program, the Active Learning Ambassadors. This will be a select group of students who will serve as a resource and a representative for Active Learning at UGA. These students will have many responsibilities which include, but are not limited to, serving on the Active Learning Advisory Committee, participating in the Active Learning Summit, and promoting this initiative across campus. Students may apply here.
Upcoming Dates
- March 20 – Spring Farm Stress Summit, 9:30 am
- March 21 – Trending Topics Outreach Presentation, 3 p.m.
- March 24 - 2023 Annual Alumni Awards
- April 11 - FACS Spring College Assembly
- April 10-14 - Financial Literacy Week
- April 12 - Financial Literacy Day on the Lawn, 12-4 p.m. in Myers Quad
- April 13 - Screening of Documentary Film "$avvy: Women, Money, Freedom" + panel discussion, 5 p.m.
Anisa M. Zvonkovic
Dean and Georgia Athletic Association Professor in Family and Consumer Sciences