Dean’s Update 11/1/21
FACS Innovations & Entrepreneurship Committee
To support our Strategic Plan, the College is forming a FACS Innovation and Entrepreneurship Committee. The charge of this committee will be to: 1) expand faculty’s understanding of what is meant by innovation and entrepreneurship; 2) facilitate faculty involvement in programs offered through the UGA Innovation Gateway; and 3) identify opportunities offered through the UGA Innovation Gateway for faculty to translate their research into commercialization (e.g. patents and small business startups). If you are interested in being a part of this committee, please let Lynn Parham know by November 8. We will schedule a kick-off meeting before the end of the year.
The 10th Annual Faculty Women of Color in the Academy National Conference, presented by Virginia Tech Office of Inclusion and Diversity, will be held April 1-3, 2022 in Arlington Va. Keynote speakers will be Dr. Roxanne Gay and Nikole Hannah-Jones. For more information: The UGA Office of the Provost, the Graduate School, the Office of Faculty Affairs and the Office of Institutional Diversity will cover the cost of registration and a $500 travel subsidy for 10 UGA faculty members. To apply for this conference support, send a one-page explanation of why you would like to attend the conference and your CV to by November 19. All submissions will be reviewed by a faculty committee and notifications made by December 10, 2021. Contact Elizabeth Weeks at with questions.
New Graduate Programs
The Office of Instruction and the Graduate School are partnering to support the exploration, development, and implementation of new graduate programs with the potential for high enrollment, such as those designed for working professionals. Proposals are due December 6 and proposed programs must fulfill our land-grant mission and grow graduate education at UGA. Additional details are available at
Elements Training
To help you prepare your materials for your 2021 Annual Performance Review, we will hold a virtual Elements Training November 17 from 3-4 p.m. on Zoom. I encourage anyone who is responsible for putting an Elements Activity Summary report together to attend - faculty, staff, and doctoral students. Zoom: Meeting ID: 992 1793 9126
LinkedIn Power Hour
Please mark your calendar to join Gregg Burkhalter for a fast-paced session on how to make the most of LinkedIn to promote your research, outreach, or academic programs. This meeting will be on Zoom. An invitation will be sent separately. November 16, 11:00 a.m. – 12:30pm.
In order to increase undergraduate research in the College, we developed the FACS Undergraduate Research Award where each student is awarded $1,000 and their mentoring faculty member is allowed $1,000 in research expense reimbursements. Congratulations to the following FACS students and faculty mentors who were chosen for this inaugural award.
- Margarethe Little, TMI
- Faculty Mentor, Dr. Jewon Lyu
- MaryBeth White, TMI
- Faculty Mentor, Dr. Lilia Gomez-Lanier
- Omeka Bhatia, NUTR
- Faculty Mentor, Dr. Emily Noble
- Shreya Pandya, NUTR
- Faculty Mentor, Dr. Claire de La Serre
- Amanda Knisely-Medina, TMI
- Faculty Mentor, Dr. Suraj Sharma
- Robyn Salzberg, NUTR
- Faculty Mentor, Dr. Jamie Cooper
Personnel Transitions
Anita ‘Nita’ Johnson is our newest custodial staff member in Dawson Hall. She joins Tammy Dillard and Paulette Rush and will work primarily on the second floor of Dawson. Please welcome her.
FACS Director of Alumni Relations Alexis Morgan Randall will be starting a new position as a regional executive director for Team Impact. This nonprofit pairs children with chronic illnesses with collegiate sports teams. Her last day with UGA will be November 12. Lynn Woodall’s last day with FACS was Friday, October 29. She is starting a position with the College of Engineering. I want to thank both of them for their service to FACS. We are working to fill the Director of Alumni Relations and the Business Operations Lead positions.
I am excited to announce two new faculty members will be joining the Department of Nutritional Sciences in January 2022. Carla Schwan, Ph.D., has been hired as a tenure-track Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist in Food Safety and Home Food Preservation (75% Extension/25% Research). She will be the director of the National Center for Home Food Preservation and serve as a content expert to county agents in Georgia and nationally. Lauren Housley, Ph.D., RDN, has been hired as an Associate Clinical Professor. Dr. Housley will direct the Combined M.S.-Ph.D.-Dietetic Internship Program and teach multiple courses.
Award Nominations Due
Nominations for the 2022 Service-Learning Teaching Excellence and Service-Learning Research Excellence Awards are due by Monday, November 29, 2021. Award guidelines are available at
Nominations for the 2022 Engaged Scholar Award are due to the Office of the Vice President for Public Service and Outreach by 5 p.m. on Friday, January 7, 2022. Guidelines for the award are available at
Sheri Lokken Worthy, Ph.D.