December 5, 2022
Contact: Anisa Zvonkovic  | 706-542-4879  | More about Anisa

Beyond “Just FACS” 

At this time of the year, when you all are so busy with wrapping up the semester, let’s stick to “just the FACS.” This update provides essential reminders about the end of the semester, and a few ideas about thinking ahead to next semester and beyond. My wish for you is to finish the semester strong and have some time for planning and rejuvenation. I’m planning to spend the time thinking about how to arrange my days to have time to move FACS forward on important priorities and I’m always eager to have an open dialogue with you.  

Also at this time of year, our thoughts turn to helping those in need. Toward that end, the first mini-campaign for the FACS Student Emergency Fund kicked off last week. Administered by Student Care and Outreach in the Office of Student Affairs, this fund will provide financial assistance to FACS students facing unexpected emergency expenses. For our most financially fragile students, these expenses can throw their education off-course. The pandemic and resulting economic circumstances have only increased the need. I urge you to consider helping now at  

Reminders and Information about End of Semester, Convocation, and Next Semester From SSAC 

  • Grades are due on Monday, December 19th at Noon.  
  • 70 students have registered to participate in the fall FACS Convocation on Friday, December 16th
  • FACS will welcome over 40 first year and transfer students during spring 2023 New Student Orientation. 

Convocation livestream  

Our fall convocation will be livestreamed via the FACS YouTube channel. The ceremony will be held on Dec. 16 in Mahler Hall in the Georgia Center beginning at 12:30 p.m. Please consider sharing this information broadly.  

The digital version of the convocation program can be viewed here. Printed programs will be available at the ceremony. Please also take time to view some of our featured graduate profiles

Active Learning News: Sweaney Fund Awarded 

Congratulations to Kimberly Watkins, financial planning assistant professor, on being named the 2023 Sweaney Innovation Fund recipient. She has been awarded $5,500 for her proposal, Learn, Do, and Serve: Incorporating Peer Financial Counseling into the Client Communication and Counseling Course. We look forward to seeing the outcomes and impact of her project, an exemplar of active learning. 

FACS instructors, please save the date for an active learning classroom use session with Leah Carmichael, UGA’s new Director of Active Learning. We will meet in 208 Dawson and discuss different ways instructors can use active learning classrooms such as this one to enhance their teaching. The session is scheduled for 10am, Friday January 6th, 2023. More information and a calendar invite will be sent soon.    

Georgia CTSA  

During the College Assembly last month, a panel of FACS faculty and graduate students shared their experiences working with the Georgia Clinical Translational Science Alliance (CTSA). It was a “full house” in the room and I’m grateful to Associate Dean Allisen Penn for organizing it. Thanks are also due to the panelists who did such a great job of describing how we can access the resources of CTSA for a wide variety of projects. If you would like to learn more about the topics included in the discussion, please reach out to any of the following people: 

  • Pilot Grant, Dr. Sina Gallo, Associate Professor - Nutritional Sciences 
  • Professional Development Opportunities, Dr. Vladimir Reukov, Assistant Professor - Textiles Merchandising and Interiors 
  • Grant Submissions and Involving Students, Dr. Dee Warmath, Assistant Professor - Financial Planning, Housing, and Consumer Economics 
  • TL1 Scholars Program, Dr. Michael Curtis, Human Development and Family Science Graduate and CTSA TL1 Scholar 
  • Community Engagement, Dr. Ali Berg, Associate Professor and Extension Specialist - Nutritional Sciences 
  • Overview of the Georgia CTSA, Dr. Allisen Penn, Associate Dean for Extension and Outreach   

Extension and Outreach Summer Internships 

Your Associate Deans and I are eager to see FACS students involved in summer internships with Extension! Here is the message you can send to your students: If you are a FACS student and would like to learn more about Extension and Outreach, serve others, work with a team, and learn how to lead, teach, motivate, and communicate effectively in a community setting, an Extension Internship or the Don Bower Experience may be for you. Follow the links below to learn more. 

FACS is on LinkedIn We have launched a new college LinkedIn page. Please join our network and share with your students. If you have content suggestions, send them to Cal Powell at 

Extension and Outreach Summer Internships 
Your Associate Deans and I are eager to see FACS students involved in summer internships with Extension! Here is the message you can send to your students: If you are a FACS student and would like to learn more about Extension and Outreach, serve others, work with a team, and learn how to lead, teach, motivate, and communicate effectively in a community setting, an Extension Internship or the Don Bower Experience may be for you. Follow the links below to learn more. 

Application Deadline: February 10, 2023 

A Message from the UGA Student Government Association  

Through our Senate we have passed a Resolution that, on behalf of students, urges professors to work with the Center for Teaching and Learning Department (CTL) in using the Pulse App. The Pulse App links directly to the ELC website and displays assignments, due dates, and grades into an app on a student's mobile device. It requires no extra action from instructors other than adding their assignments and dates into ELC. The procedures for this are displayed on a professor's CTL website, and I believe that the department will be reaching out over faculty listserv as well. Many students already have the app downloaded onto their phone, but because professors are unaware about adding to their ELC Calendar, the benefits are going unused. 

From Samuel Cook, President of the Senate for Student Government Association. 

Upcoming Dates 

December 16 – FACS Convocation, Georgia Center 

December 16 – UGA Commencement 


Anisa M. Zvonkovic 

Dean and Georgia Athletic Association Professor in Family and Consumer Sciences