December 8, 2020
Contact: Linda Fox  |   | More about Linda


As FACS faculty finish up teaching Fall semester 2020, Associate Dean Patti Hunt-Hurst invites all faculty to join her on Zoom to "Share Lessons Learned" about teaching this fall, what worked well, what did not.  Invitation and Zoom link was sent Monday afternoon to all FACS faculty from Janet Fowler. Please join the Zoom meeting at 3:00 pm on Friday, Dec. 11 for all FACS faculty ready to share with your colleagues.


The Faculty Advisory Committee and the hard work of staff in the Dean’s Unit, the new web page  and supporting Awards Table  summarizing all faculty and staff awards in the college have been launched.

The College faculty and staff awards process is on schedule. Please go to the full description of each award for instructions for submission and deadlines. While most awards in the College have a January 30 deadline, the teaching and advisor wards (faculty and academic advisors categories) have a Friday, January 15 deadline in the College to meet the 5:00 pm deadline to submit to Office of Vice President of Instruction by January 29 (see advising awards web site, criteria, and categories of awards

Through a nomination process facilitated by the academic departments or units, including Extension Districts, awards packets are reviewed by members of the Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC) and additional stakeholders to select the recipients. These subcommittees follow the criteria listed for each award. A committee of staff convened by the Human Resources Coordinator reviews nominations for staff awards. The Super-Includer Award is open to faculty and staff nominations and is reviewed by the entire FAC.

All awardees will be announced in March. All awardees are recognized at the annual Celebrating Excellence program, along with student scholarship and award recipients and donors or fund representatives of the endowments.


A reminder to all faculty, staff and supervisors of the importance of planning for the annual performance reviews of all faculty and staff as well as your own. The college Policies and Procedures web site contains all documents.

The Annual Performance Review of Employees in FACS guidelines  are posted there. Deadline for faculty for completion of Elements and any additional information as requested by your department heads is January 15.  Please continue to address your questions to the Elements Liaison, Assoc. Dean Patti Hunt-Hurst and/or to your Dept. Heads.

Given the challenges in calendar year 2020 due to the pandemic, the Units in the College are encouraged by the Dean to add a section to instructions to faculty to ask for context of COVID impact or details about anything that was particularly challenging. This effort would benefit the employee and ensure we have in the record the challenges faced in 2020 related to teaching, research and/or public service. Department Heads are encouraged to ask for a narrative about teaching, both innovation, outcomes positive and negative to be considered during annual performance review.

Deadline for completion of all classified staff performance reviews is March 30.


Bulldog 100 celebrates the fastest growing businesses owned or operated alumni through the annual competition. We are excited that the largest group of FACS graduates, twelve, are among this year’s Class of 2021 Bulldog 100

We had 11 FACS alumni named in the Bulldog 100 this year! The names and links to their website are listed below. You can view the full list here: Company name, FACS alum (degree and year), and major.



The FACS Holiday Gift Guide is live! If you haven’t checked it out yet, please do so. We have 22 businesses represented so far. If you know of any FACS Alumni (or student entrepreneurs) who might want to participate, please share this link with them.

There is a form they can fill out directly from the webpage. Happy browsing!


In July, the Dean’s Update contained several important activities are being taken now across the campus, among our alumni, and throughout the USG system universities. Here is a brief update for you of activities since July. Please consider your interest and talents and contact directly the leads listed to add your voice and actions. I encourage everyone to be part of the solutions as we work together for a better future.

Update from Noel Card, HDFS Dept. Head and convener of the FACS committee on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) formed in July. This 12 person Committee has established 5 initiatives:

  1. Facing Racism Together six-part series zoom workshop led by two UGA trainees Joan Koonce, FCHE professor and Extension specialist, and Jason Estep, public service assistant, State 4-H CAES. Facing Racism Together seeks to help education professionals understand and process the racial injustices and tensions fueling current civil unrest and to empower them to move forward in a positive and productive manner that affects positive change. In doing so, education professionals will be able to better understand and assist the diverse audience they serve. To accomplish these objectives, facilitators lead a series of six interactive Zoom meetings, with each building upon the understanding gained from the prior. Dean Fox is one of the current workshop attendees and finds it is an excellent workshop which she hopes can be repeated earlier in the spring semester with more attendees.
  2. Develop a college climate survey. Assessing via survey will help the college evaluate our progress and identify areas of improvement for diversity, equity and inclusion. The last climate survey and focus groups were conducted in the college in 2014-2015 and helped the College develop the statement of Diversity and Inclusion.
  3. Develop a list of classes in the college with the focus of diversity, equity and inclusion to promote to all students as potential electives regardless of department/majors.
  4. The current videos for recruitment and promotion of the college’s programs and majors are being reviewed by Cara Simmons to identify DEI improvements and remake.
  5. Develop a list of books, movies, potential small group readings starting in spring 2021.

Members of the committee are:  Noel Card, HDFS (chair); Allisen Penn, associate dean Extension and outreach; Alex Anderson, faculty, FDN; Cara Simmons, Director, SSAC; Rebecca Gould, graduate student, FDN; Lauren Rogers, undergraduate student; Bev Hull, academic advisor, SSAC; Joe Goetz; faculty, FHCE; Joan Koonce, faculty, FHCE; Kethia Gates, development; Tricia White, director, development; and Zo Stoneman, director, IHDD.

A UGA President’s Task Force on Race, Ethnicity, and Community will examine these issues and develop concrete recommendations designed to foster a more welcoming and supportive learning environment for Black and other underrepresented students; elevate faculty, staff, and student recruitment and retention efforts; and expand training and leadership development opportunities.

The UGA Planning Committee on Diversity and Inclusive Excellence (DIE) chaired by Michelle Cook will cast a longer vision for the future, developing a comprehensive plan, with specific goals and measures of success that builds on UGA’s most recent diversity plan, which was developed in 2012.

Subcommittees: Living and Learning Environment (Bill MacDonald, Dean of Students); Workforce (Ron Walcott, Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate School); and Community Partnerships (Gwen Moss, PSO). Focus groups are being conducted and the UGA plan is to complete a university DIE plan by August 2021. Unit (College) plans are to be developed the following year. College DIE plan will be due in 2022, date TBD.

UGA is celebrating in February the 60th anniversary of desegregation with the Hunter-Holmes lecture and highlighting 60 DEI events/programs across campus. Identifying 60 school/college/unit events were requested by Nov. 2nd. Miss the deadline? Whether or not FACS College or units submitted to this list doesn’t matter if diversity and inclusion programming is developed for the 60th anniversary or throughout the spring semester. Please post your DEI events to the FACS calendar.

SCHEDULE (Dean’s travel and purpose during the next few weeks):

·         No travel planned.

·         The next Dean’s Update will be the week of Dec. 14.


Linda Kirk Fox

Linda Kirk Fox


The College of Family and Consumer Sciences at the University of Georgia embraces a commitment to diversity by modeling for the state and nation a community of individuals and programs which seek to reduce prejudice, disparities, and discrimination and build a supportive environment for all.