March 14, 2022

College Assembly 

Our next College Assembly is scheduled for April 7th at 3:30pm in Master’s Hall at the Georgia Center. In addition to some important updates, the FACS Awards and nominees will be recognized at this event, so please plan to attend. A reception will follow. We will also provide a Zoom link and record for those that cannot attend in person.   

Leadership Symposium 

Have you participated in a professional development experience? Led an organization? Served on a board? Or something else leadership related? If so, we would like for you (faculty, staff, students) to share during the 2nd annual Leadership Symposium on Thursday, April 7 immediately following the College Assembly. If you are interested, please complete and submit this form to indicate your interest by Friday, March 25, 2022 at noon. You can view last year's submissions and agenda here.  

Spring 2023 Legislative Aide Leadership Fellows Program 

Nominate an undergraduate or graduate student to spend a semester working with local legislator at the capitol in Atlanta. The program is open to any FACS major or program. 

Our Legislative Aide website details the experience - including benefits by major, leadership reflections, a podcast, and magazine. Students can sign up for an info session on the website to meet with a former aide.  

The nomination form can be found here. The deadline for the spring 2023 general assembly is April 10, 2022. Contact Dr. Cara Simmons at for more information.  

Women's History Month: Women Providing Healing, Promoting Hope 

Join the Franklin College and the University of Georgia to celebrate Women's History Month through March. Additional details on the calendar of events is available here.  

CTL Faculty Learning Communities Proposal 

Submit a 2022-2023 Faculty Learning Community proposal by April 15, 2022. The CTL's Faculty Learning Communities (FLCs) are faculty-led opportunities for groups of UGA faculty and post-docs to come together and engage in exploration of teaching-related topics, in pursuit of some sort of agreed-upon engagement project. The CTL is now accepting proposals for next year’s slate of FLCs. Click here for more FLC info and to submit a proposal.  

Technology Tip 

FindTime is a Microsoft Calendar add-in to facilitate meeting scheduling. It eliminates the use of Doodle Polls and integrates directly with your calendar. Click here for a video showing how it works.  

Congratulations to: 

  • Dr. Kenneth White on his promotion to Associate Professor with tenure 
  • Dr. Tracey Brigman on her promotion to Clinical Associate Professor 
  • Dr. Clair McClure on her promotion to Senior Lecturer 

These promotions are effective July 1, 2022.  

Karli Cotton will be joining the Dean’s Office on March 21. She currently works for UGA Human Resources in Workforce Planning & Recruitment. Her role in FACS will be to support our associate deans and assist with scholarships, FACS Curriculum Committee, and helping the Dean’s Office and College run smoothly.  

Upcoming Dates 

March 26, 2022 – FACS Alumni Awards Celebration, Classic Center 

April 7, 2022 – College Assembly & Leadership Symposium, Master’s Hall, Georgia Center 

May 13, 2022 – UGA Commencement/FACS Convocation, Classic Center 


Sheri Worthy 

Nickols Professor & Interim Dean