Dean’s Update 3/16/21
PLEASE COMPLETE: Adapt, Evolve, and Transform Survey
It’s time to think about what comes next regarding instruction at UGA.
The FACS College leadership wants your input on ways we can “adapt, evolve, and transform” the way we advise, teach, and prepare our graduates. This survey asks you to consider new and innovative ways we might continue to strategically adopt remote work, digital collaboration, and virtual learning. Please take some time to read and respond to VP for Instruction Rahul Shrivastav’s request for ideas (linked above) and take some time to complete this Qualtrics survey for our College:
This survey will remain open until March 31, 2021.
Thank you for your time and ideas, Sheri Worthy, Associate Dean for Academic Programs
The following individuals were recently notified they are the recipients of the college’s faculty and staff awards for 2021. Their formal recognition will be the FACS Celebration for Excellence recognition program in October, TBD. You may also celebrate in your respective units’ faculty and staff meetings or virtual gatherings this spring.
Please join me in congratulating:
College Awards – these three awardees will be included in UGA Honors Week virtual recognition event, Wednesday, April 21, 2:00 pm:
- Bill and June Flatt Outstanding Teacher of the Year – FDN – Emma Laing
- Bill and June Flatt Outstanding Faculty Research – HDFS – Margaret Caughy
- Bill and June Flatt Outstanding Extension and Outreach Faculty – HDFS – Ted Futris
All other College Awards:
- Super-includer Diversity Award – FACE – Effie Antonoudi
- Outstanding UG Faculty Advisor – FDN – Rob Pazdro
- Outstanding UG Professional Advisor – SSAC – Ahmaud Templeton
- Early Career Faculty Research – HDFS – Desiree Seponski
- Faculty Mentoring Undergraduate Research – TMI – Monica Sklar
- Chris Todd Outstanding Outreach – HDFS Project FREE, Ted Futris
- Thomas Rodgers Outreach County Agent Award – MaryBeth Hornbeck, Rockdale County, NW District
- Outreach Paraprofessional – Melissa Souther, Henry County, NW District
- Nettie Marie Nickols Outstanding Staff – SSAC – Melissa Garber
- Susan Hale Brooks Professional Development – Dean’s Unit – Cal Powell
In January, the UGA Preventative Measures Advisory Board (PMAB) asked us to be cautious through March and hold no in-person events. Now, I share with you the update via a PMAB Memorandum 3-12-2021.
In the time of COVID-19, it is challenging to serve our stakeholders in the ways to which they have become accustomed, including renting facilities and holding camps, training sessions, and recruitment events. However, it is clear that for any such event, other than a virtual one, risks of COVID-19 transmission exist. To ensure that someone with authority and experience to weigh the benefits and risks of an event is included in the review and approval process, PMAB will request consent of the appropriate Dean or VP or their designee before a full review by the PMAB team. PMAB will then provide the Dean or VP or their designee and the requestor with a risk analysis by classifying the event as low, moderate, or high risk.
Based on this risk analysis, details of the event, and current knowledge of COVID-19 in the community, we also will provide guidance about possible risk mitigation strategies for the event. What PMAB absolutely cannot do is to decide whether an event has value that supersedes its risks. For that, the requestor will look to the Dean or VP or their designee for final approval.
Also, we, the PMAB, want to caution you that it is difficult to assess the risks of events that will not happen until this summer. There are too many unknowns with the vaccine roll out, changes in prevention strategies nationwide and emergence of viral variants. We know that this uncertainty makes your job even harder, but it is not possible to be definitive about the state of the pandemic too far into the future. It is recommended to move forward with caution and prepare contingencies until there is more clarity on vaccine availability and vaccination rates.
In summary: work with the Dean and Associate Deans in FACS in your planning and if you have any questions.
This virtual, interactive event introduces early-career faculty to core university functions and broader institutional operations, offering perspective beyond their departments and school or college. Central administrative units represented in this session include: Office of Institutional Diversity, Development and Alumni Relations, and Finance and Administration. Attendees will learn about the synergies between academic endeavors and higher education administration. This event is part of Keys to UGA: New Faculty Academy, but faculty and staff of all career stages are welcome. Friday, March 26, 1:30 pm
Register here.
SCHEDULE (Dean’s travel and purpose during the next two weeks):
- Remote work contact: 706-224-6086 (cell)
- The next Dean’s Update will be week of March 29, or earlier.
Linda Kirk Fox
The College of Family and Consumer Sciences at the University of Georgia embraces a commitment to diversity by modeling for the state and nation a community of individuals and programs which seek to reduce prejudice, disparities, and discrimination and build a supportive environment for all.