Dean’s Update 5/3/21
In light of changing public health guidance from the CDC and DPH, as well as an updated Executive Order from the Governor, the University of Georgia is amending plans for Spring Commencement
Eligible Spring graduates will be provided a ticket to sit on Dooley Field at Sanford Stadium, if they choose, and there will be no limit on the number of guests in the stands. The dates for the individual Undergraduate and Graduate Commencement ceremonies remain the same, spread over three days. Dates and times are listed below.
All levels of the stadium will be open to promote social distancing, as strongly encouraged by the Governor’s Executive Order. Masks will also be strongly encouraged.
Commencement planners are hard at work, and the Commencement site will be updated as soon as additional details for these celebrations are available.
Newly elected to two-year terms, 2021 – 2023:
• FHCE – Kenneth White
• TMI – Laura McAndrews
• Associate Professor – Geoffrey Brown
• Instructor/Lecturer – Kim Meister
Returning for second year of their term, 2020 – 2022:
• FDN – Chad Paton
• HDFS – Jennifer George
• Professor – Jung Sun Lee
• Assistant Professor – Gin Cox
The Faculty Advisory Committee purpose and membership is outlined in the College Bylaws
The FACS College Assembly hosted by the Dean was held via zoom Thursday, April 29. The Zoom recording link is below. If you were unable to join, agenda items included:
- Results for Teaching, Evolve, Adapt and Transform Teaching Survey (Dr. Sheri Worthy)
- Summer Work Environment Expectations
- Budget Overview
- Personnel and Search Updates
- Celebration of Faculty and Staff Awards
Passcode: 1+WqDJm?
As Dean Fox stated during College Assembly on Thursday, April 29, Telecommuting agreements that are COVID related are still handled within the department using the modified form. COVID related agreements can continue until Fall 2021 or until we get additional guidance from USG. Telecommuting agreements that are not COVID related should follow the regular procedure (complete regular form and forward to central HR for final approval.)
With this information, I assume we can continue teleworking and teleworking rotational work schedules until Fall (August 1) or until USG provides additional guidance. However, it is important to remember that 100% telecommuting is not likely to continue past August 1 without ADA accommodation, and the opportunity for remote work, even partial, is up to the supervisor to determine what is in the best interest to the university.
It was stated it is likely all future telework requests, non-ADA, will not be approved only at the Dean’s level but go to a Central HR staff and employees relations committee review for approval or be denied.
In the College, I think it is reasonable to expect two milestones:
1. The end of May, supervisors in conversation with employees set the expectation to ease back to work more days/hours on campus.
2. The end of June, supervisors express to employees the expectation one month in advance to be prepared by August 1, employees are expected to be back in offices at UGA campus.
This is all subject to change based on public health and safety and USG requirements and communications.
SCHEDULE (Dean’s travel and purpose during the next two weeks):
- Remote work contact: 706-224-6086 (cell)
- The next Dean’s Update will be week of May 24.
Linda Kirk Fox
The College of Family and Consumer Sciences at the University of Georgia embraces a commitment to diversity by modeling for the state and nation a community of individuals and programs which seek to reduce prejudice, disparities, and discrimination and build a supportive environment for all.