FACS Connection - April 10, 2020

A weekly digest of news, events, and opportunities for all undergraduate FACS students.
Friday, April 10, 2020
- Pure Chat Live!
- Remote Academic Advising
- Academic Success at Georgia
- The (Virtual) Monthly InSTALLment
- FACS Social Media Interest Survey
- UGA COVID-19 Virtual Design Sprint
- UGA FACS Extension Resources
Do you have questions for the Student Success and Advising Center?
Use the Live Chat on the Student Success and Advising Center webpage. Go to www.fcs.uga.edu/ssac/ and click on the Live Chat button in the footer of the webpage to submit your questions. You can ask about changing your major, signing up for an advising appointment, getting involved, and more!
The Live Chat feature will be available Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 9:00-11:00 a.m. and Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 2:00-4:00 p.m. If staff are unavailable, questions will be routed to success@uga.edu.
2. Remote Academic Advising for Spring Semester
3. Academic Success at Georgia
Academic Success at Georgia aims to support students at any time with online strategies, self-assessments, articles, and apps - all designed to help students be successful at UGA. Resources are organized in six different categories - Time Management, Test Preparation, Study Strategies, Note-taking Skills, Reading Comprehension, and Writing Skills. Click here to access Academic Success at Georgia.
4. The (Virtual) Monthly InSTALLment
Miss The Monthly InSTALLment? Don’t worry, the Student Success and Advising Center (SSAC) has you covered! View the graphic above to learn more about remote advising, SSAC internship applications, and 2020-2021 SSAC Executive Board Applications!
5. FACS Social Media Interest Survey
In effort to better understand and address the social media interests of the FACS community, please complete the following survey by April 14th.
6. UGA COVID-19 Virtual Design Sprint
The Innovation Gateway and the Innovation District’s Rapid Design Challenge has expanded to a six-week Virtual Design Sprint! Students will have the opportunity to pitch their concepts at the end of the ‘sprint’ in mid-May. The first session will be Monday, April 13th, at 5:00 p.m. Details will be sent to those that sign up on the link in the flyer.
7. UGA FACS Extension Resources
The UGA Family and Consumer Sciences Outreach, Extension, and Public Service website has resources in the areas of food, money, home, family, health, and textiles. Photos and contacts are in each section of the Extension faculty supporting the subject matter area.
New to FACS? View FACS Connection Archives here!
Items for FACS Connection should be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesdays. Instructions on formatting a FACS Connection entry can be found here.