Spring 2025 Update on Programs and Activities Serving Minors and Policy Requirements

January 16, 2025
To UGA Faculty and Staff:
The University of Georgia is committed to providing a safe environment for all minors participating in programs and activities on campus or otherwise affiliated with the University. In accordance with this commitment and with Board of Regents Policy 6.9, the University Cabinet adopted a Policy for Programs and Activities Serving Minors (Policy), effective May 1, 2017, and last updated on October 7, 2024. The Policy extends to all University-sponsored programs/activities, as well as any third-party organizations that utilize University facilities for programs and activities serving minors (defined as persons under the age of 18 years) who are not UGA students.
The Policy may be found at programsforminors.uga.edu/policy.
Reminder of Policy Requirements
Each program/activity must meet the following minimum requirements: approval, annual registration, background investigations, training, and records retention.
Once Program Administrators develop and determine content and training appropriate to the program/activity, they must obtain signed approval from their approving official (Vice President/Dean/Director/Department Head) and upload the approval form during the registration process. Registration and approval information is available here: https://programsforminors.uga.edu/program-registration.
Program staff who have direct contact with minors must undergo a background investigation prior to working with minors. Program Administrators should submit a list of all Program/Activity Staff, regardless of UGA employment status, to Human Resources prior to start of Programs/Activities to ensure background investigations are completed as required by HRAP. Program staff must also complete required training on Mandated Reporter, Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment, and Code of Conduct. Training information is available at https://programsforminors.uga.edu/training.
Program/Activity Administrators, with assistance from Department leadership, are responsible for maintaining records in accordance with Board of Regents and UGA policies. Centralized record keeping at a Departmental level is recommended. More information and resources are available at https://programsforminors.uga.edu/records-retention.
Please refer to the Policy for full details. Failure to comply with the Policy requirements will result in disciplinary action as outlined in the Policy.
eLearning Commons Training Modules
All units that use the eLearning Commons (eLC) training modules need to copy the new 2025 version of the modules. eLC administrators can visit our training webpage for instructions, https://programsforminors.uga.edu/training.
Minors in Labs Requirements
If your Program/Activity involves minors performing research in University laboratories, greenhouses, clinic areas, or animal facilities, please also review and abide by the ancillary policy, The Policy on Minors (not Acting as Students/Employees) in Research Laboratories, Clinics, and Animal Facilities. All laboratory-based minors programs must both register with the overall minors registry and the laboratory registry.
UGA Minors Camps Listserv
The UGA Listserv for minors camp and program administrators provides a forum for sharing best practices and asking questions of your peers. Program leaders may contact the Director of Compliance at programsforminors@uga.edu to join.
Training Opportunities
There will be two Learning and Development sessions this spring on "Protecting Minors on Campus: An Overview of the University Policy and Best Practices for Safe Programs": online on Wednesday, March 12, at 2:00 p.m. and in person on Thursday, April 17, at 10:00 a.m. at the Learning & Development Building. Register here: UGA Professional Education Portal.
Camp Director training for camp and similar program leaders and their senior staff will be offered on two occasions: Thursday, February 6, 10:00-11:30 a.m. in person at the Georgia Center or Wednesday, February 12, 2:00-3:30 p.m. via Zoom. The training will review some of the key planning and operational issues of a minors camp director, including staff hiring & supervision, safety & security, first aid & medical, and residential programs. It will also include time for Q&A on camp issues. Contact the Director of Compliance to sign up for one of these sessions at programsforminors@uga.edu.
Site Visit Program
Site Visits of Programs/Activities will be randomly conducted by the Director of Compliance to ensure Policy compliance, encourage the use of best practices, and to provide feedback on areas of recommended improvement.
Additional Policy Resources
Please review program resources, sample forms, and FAQs here: programsforminors.uga.edu.
Policy Ownership and Contact Information
The Policy is administered by Public Service and Outreach. Please contact Brian Stone, Director of Compliance, at programsforminors@uga.edu or 706-542-7255 if you have any questions or need additional information.