Virtual FACS Day at the Capitol brings leaders together across the state

The annual Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) Day at the Capitol was held on February 10, 2022.
Students, alumni, faculty, and staff from the University of Georgia (UGA) College of Family and Consumer Sciences and other state and local agencies gathered to experience the diverse ways in which the Georgia State Capitol supports family and consumer sciences. Virtual attendees observed the Georgia House or Senate Floor legislative session online and engaged in Q&A sessions to learn valuable information about the capitol, life as a legislator, and the Legislative Aide Program.
Prior to the virtual event, the Senate and House of Representatives resolutions were presented in-person, recognizing and commending Family and Consumer Sciences. The in-person meetings included Senator Frank Ginn, Representative Matthew Gambill, Dean Sheri Worthy, FACS Legislative Liaison and Aides, and partners of Family and Consumer Sciences including UGA Extension, the Georgia Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (GAFCS), and Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (GAFCCLA), and the Georgia Association of Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences (GATFACS).
Dean Worthy kicked off the virtual event with a welcome and reading of the Family and Consumer Sciences Day Proclamation signed by Governor Kemp. Following the welcome, attendees had the special opportunity to connect with Senator Bill Cowsert, Senator Frank Ginn, Representative Marcus Wiedower, and Representative Houston Gaines. Weidower revealed his favorite memories in the Capitol and discussed some of his legislative work relating to foster care, learning disabilities, and tax credits. He shared his biggest piece of advice for those who wish to serve in politics or FACS related fields saying, “Be passionate about the community you are going to serve.”
Participants then joined an interactive session with the UGA students involved in the Legislative Aide Leadership Fellows Program. They provided insight into their roles in the Capitol, experiences with the legislators, and answered many questions about the program. Legislative Aide Dy’Amond McGhee stated, “Working here at the capitol has helped me see what path I want to take in the future.”
The event concluded with encouraging words from First Lady Marty Kemp as she remarked, “As students of Family and Consumer Sciences, you possess the ability to pursue countless opportunities because you have a unique understanding of others and the many institutions that affect our lives.”
One UGA graduate noted, “FACS Day at the Capitol is a great opportunity to highlight the experiences of FACS Legislative Aides during the current Georgia General Assembly session. It was great to see how the coursework students are learning in the classroom is becoming real-life practice in a professional environment.”