NUTR 5910 Dietetics Practicum Advisement Checklist

  1. I understand that a practicum is at the discretion of the instructor of record. Some practicum sites will require that I volunteer (receive no course credit) at the site prior to acceptance into the practicum. Placement is based on site availability as well as the student’s application packet and GPA.
  2. I understand that I will register for 3 credit hours of NUTR 5910.
  3. I understand that my cumulative GPA must be 3.0 when I register for NUTR 5910. (See "Cumulative GPA" field below.)
  4. I will have completed a minimum of 60 credit hours prior to beginning my practicum.
  5. I am aware that many practicum sites will have clinical placement requirements that will be at an additional cost to the student. I have reviewed this information regarding potential additional costs on the website.
  6. I understand that I am solely responsible for having reliable transportation to my practicum site(s) throughout the semester of my practicum.
  7. I have completed a Program of Study plan with my advisor.
  8. I understand I am expected to adhere to the following requirements for clock hours

Fall and Spring Semester: Your practicum will begin on the first day of class and end on the last day of class. 3 credit hrs.=8 clock hrs./week for 15 weeks + 1 hr./week related assignments= 135 clock hrs.

Summer Semester: Your practicum will begin on the first day of class and end on the last day of class. 3 credit hrs.=15 clock hrs./week for 8 weeks + 1 hr./week related assignments= 135 clock hrs.

Your cumulative GPA must be 3.0 when you register for NUTR 5910

Required Courses

You must have a grade of "C" or greater in NUTR 2100, NUTR 3600 and NUTR 3600L.

I have read, understood, and agreed to the above practicum policies:

For Office Use Only

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