College Update 2/1/24
I’m writing from a retreat for the Faculty Leadership Fellows. We are each making great progress on our work for the retreat and really benefiting from focused time to work on a specific task.
It seems like this early spring semester is the time for retreats – FACS just had its Leadership Retreat last month and it was a great success thanks to the hard work of the planning committee: Sheri Worthy, Bernard Green, Jayme Bolding, Kathy Adams, Cal Powell, Suzanne Griffeth, Ryan Burke and Aimee Dowd.
Student Ambassadors, leaders of student groups, and our Alumni Board connected interpersonally on several occasions throughout the two days, and we are planning specific ways they can continue their connections, which benefits the students, the college, faculty, and alumni.
This is a very busy time of the year and I appreciate what we are all doing to keep things running. Setting aside time to work on specific tasks really helps quiet the noise of everything else going on around us.
We are looking forward to FACS Day at the Capitol on Feb. 15 and the celebration of 40 years of the FACS Legislative Aide program, the longest-spanning legislative aide program at UGA. First Lady Marty Kemp, a FACS grad, will be our speaker at the luncheon. We also look forward to seeing many former aides and hearing about their experiences.
Faculty searches are ramping up this time of year. These searches are arguably the most important thing we do for our future. I’m excited to meet the candidates and I always appreciate the opportunity to more clearly refine our mission and describe what we do when meeting with candidates.
I want to be sure you all know that the FACS Business and Finance Office has changed its name to OFHR – Office of Finance and Human Resources. I’m going to call the acronym “Offer,” as in “We offer these services.” We think this name more accurately describes what the unit offers. Please refer to the graphic below for details.
On a final lighter note: I hope the short month of February is good for you! My maternal grandfather was born on February 29 – Leap Day. His local newspaper did a big story on his 84th year, when he finally had 21 actual birthdays, saying “Turner Sencindiver is now legally eligible to buy alcohol.” I hope we all make good use of February 29, 2024.
Write@UGA is hosting Dr. Annette Vee, Associate Professor of English & Director of the Composition Program at the University of Pittsburgh, on February 6.
Keynote — Androids, Spirits & Chatbots: Historicizing AI Writing
11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. | MLC 150
Workshop: Teaching Writing in the Context of AI
2:45-4:00 p.m. | MLC 372
For more information and to register:
UGA’s 2nd Annual Active Learning Summit will be held February 15 & 16 at the Georgia Center.
Shaping the Future of Learning: Active Learning in Higher Education
For more information and to register for sessions:
Setting up the eLC Gradebook Instructions for setting up your eLC gradebook can be found online with both step-by-step text and video directions. These resources cover grades setup, entering grades, calculating and releasing grades, displaying final calculated grades, and exporting/importing the gradebook.
Instructors are strongly encouraged to use the eLC gradebook. Please post grades in a timely manner so that students can make informed decisions about studying or seeking tutoring or additional help. The CTL provides resources to help with the process of setting up your gradebook.Endsley-Peifer Award – Due March 15
Each department can submit one graduate student whose research during graduate school made significant contributions to advancing knowledge. Nomination and criteria found here.
Article: The Missed Opportunity of Office Hours. Meeting with a professor can help students learn, or even change their lives. So why don’t more students do it?
Alumni Awards Registration
Faculty and Staff are invited to join us to celebrate our 2024 FACS Alumni Awards Honorees. Our celebration will be held on Friday, March 22 at the Athens Country Club. Doors will open at 11:30 a.m. and our program will begin at noon. Seats will be limited, so register early! Faculty and staff tickets are discounted at $25. If you would like to bring a guest, please use the guest link for their registration.
Link for Faculty/Staff - $25
Link for all other guests - $40 – Sponsorships are also available through this link.
FACS Extension success stories
Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP):
Ellie Smith, EFNEP Program Assistant for Laurens County, and Anslie Mead, EFNEP Client:
Two Agents and the FACS Podcast:
Leslie Thomas, FACS Agent for Chatham County and Carrie Vanderver, FACS Agent for Ware County:
UGAMail Updates
Microsoft has announced new storage limits for its academic customers. In the coming year, some UGA account owners may see changes to the available storage limits in their Office 365 accounts.
To help UGA account owners maximize their storage, effective February 1, 2024, EITS will implement a new 30-day deletion policy for emails placed in your Deleted Items folder in UGAMail. Items put in this folder will be automatically deleted after 30 days, and then will be held in a Recoverable Items folder for 14 days before being permanently deleted.
This new policy is part of EITS’s efforts to be good stewards of the university’s financial resources and control operating costs. Emails in the Deleted Items folder account for about 25 percent of all email storage across the university. Regularly clearing your Deleted Items folder can help you maximize storage for your individual UGAMail account, as well as increase the amount of storage available to everyone at UGA.
Upcoming events
February 15 – FACS Day at the Capitol
March 22 – FACS Alumni Awards
March 26 – Dawg Day of Giving
March 29 – College Assembly, Master’s Hall, 10 a.m.
April 8-12 – Financial Literacy & Well-Being Week
May 10 – FACS Convocation, The Classic Center, 3 p.m.
Anisa M. Zvonkovic
Dean and Georgia Athletic Association Professor in Family and Consumer Sciences