College Update 3/1/24
Message from Dean Zvonkovic
I hope you will use this spring break to rest, reflect and focus on self-care. We have experienced a collective loss and the effects of it will ripple outward for some time as a UGA community. I’m grateful to members of our FACS family who reached out to others to express care and support. Thanks especially to the ASPIRE clinicians and to Megan Ford and Bernard Green for organizing the support event earlier this week. We plan to have some more supportive drop-in spaces throughout the semester. I encourage you all to be mindful of the grief process and stress process that many of us in the UGA community are experiencing.
In this edition of the dean's update, please note some important information and deadlines as we move into the second half of the semester. We have a college assembly on March 29 and we plan to cover: (1) AI – beyond the classroom; (2) Board of Health and Human Sciences and ideas for webinars and next year’s meeting; (3) Ombudspeople for students, faculty and staff are presenting, as well as reporting of university and college updates and the announcement of college awards.
Endsley-Peifer Award nominations due March 15
Each department can nominate one graduate student whose research during graduate school made significant contributions to advancing knowledge. Nomination and criteria found here.
Keys to UGA: Word to the Wise: Planning and Time Management for Academic Life, which will be offered Tuesday, March 5 from 10-11:30 a.m. via Zoom and Tuesday, March 19 from 10-11:30 a.m. via Zoom. Register via PEP.
Facilitator: Mary Carney, Director of Programming for the Office of Faculty Affairs
This 90-minute virtual workshop will offer insights on planning for long-term success at UGA through methods to improve research productivity and enhance work-life balance. You will have an opportunity to strategize your highest priorities, consider how these fit into long-term professional goals, and plan specific steps to achieve these at UGA.
Office of Finance and Human Resources (OFHR)
Year-End Deadlines
We have created a “FACS Priority Year End Deadlines” document to reference with year-end processing, updated Feb. 23 and sent from the email.
Foundation Policy Changes & Pre-Approval Event Form
FACS Foundation policy is being updated to require minimum time for meal allowance, must be over 2 hours if employee-only meals and over 6 hours if it is a retreat.
FACS recruitment policy has been updated to reflect increases in meal costs to $32 for lunch and $65 for dinner, increases in travel to $1,000 and for number of attendees, one person must be from search committee.
The FACS Department Event Pre-Approval form is in use now to gain pre-approval for all employee-only events and events for non-employees that include catering, facility rental and/or entertainment. Once signed and sent to before the event, the form will be used in documentation with payment requests.
UGA Employee Recruitment Training UGA Employee Recruitment Training, an asynchronous course created by University Human Resources that may be found in PEP: Professional Education Portal.
In fall 2023, the University of Georgia updated its administrative practices related to faculty recruitment. Anyone currently involved in an active search or hiring process must complete
Importance of Accurate Start Dates and Termination Dates
Start dates should be set as first day of either the bi-weekly or monthly pay period (pay period is based on position type) based on UGA Payroll Calendars. Employees cannot begin working until the hiring authority/supervisor has been notified that the hiring proposal has been fully approved. Start dates impact access to timesheets, payment amounts, benefits, leave, retirement, access to systems, budgets and compliance with Form I-9 federal employment verifications.
Termination dates should be communicated to appropriate departmental staff and processed as quickly as possible to avoid overpayment to employees resulting in employees having to reimburse the university. Timely termination submissions based on UGA Payroll Calendars also keep UGA in compliance with various employment laws and regulations, e.g., Georgia Department of Labor Separation Notices, the Affordable Care Act, USCIS Form I-9 requirements and compliance with Non-Resident Alien Status.
Register for FACS Alumni Awards Celebration
Faculty and staff are invited to join us to celebrate our 2024 FACS Alumni Awards Honorees. Our celebration will be held on Friday, March 22 at the Athens Country Club. Doors will open at 11:30 a.m. and our program will begin at noon. Seats will be limited, so register early! Faculty and staff tickets are discounted at $25. If you would like to bring a guest, please use the guest link for their registration.
Link for Faculty/Staff - $25
Link for all other guests - $40 – Sponsorships are also available through this link.
UGA Staff Core Competency Model
UGA staff evaluations for calendar year 2024 will be based on UGA’s Staff Competency Model. The competencies are currently assigned to all staff position descriptions. There are 5 core staff competencies and 2 additional competencies assigned for positions with supervisory and/or organizational leadership roles. Over the next several months, we will share a brief summary of a core competency.
It is also highly recommended that all staff and supervisors of staff attend the UGA Journeys Training Sessions offered by University Human Resources through the Professional Education Portal (PEP):
Training for staff: UGA Journeys: Understanding Your Connection to the Staff Competency
Training for supervisors: UGA Journeys: Performance Management Best Practices for Supervisors
***Additional information regarding supporting and non-supporting behaviors can be found here: UGA Staff Competency Model: A Practical Guide
Upcoming events
March 22 – FACS Alumni Awards
March 26 – Dawg Day of Giving
March 29 – College Assembly, Master’s Hall, 10 a.m.
April 8-12 – Financial Literacy & Well-Being Week
May 10 – FACS Convocation, The Classic Center, 3 p.m.
Anisa M. Zvonkovic
Dean and Georgia Athletic Association Professor in Family and Consumer Sciences