March 2, 2020
Contact: Linda Fox  |   | More about Linda

UGA is closely monitoring the novel coronavirus (covid-19)

President Morehead and Provost Hu issued an email ArchNews yesterday, March 2. This is a reminder to everyone to read and refer to this communication and to these webs sites, listed below.  UGA’s senior leadership team, the University Health Center and the Office of Emergency Preparedness are working closely with campus partners as well as infection control experts at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) to stay abreast of and be prepared for this evolving public health issue.  

Prevention is a key strategy with any virus, such as influenza or this coronavirus, so it is important to both protect yourself and take measures against spreading the disease to others. We encourage all members of the University community to monitor the following websites:

  • The University of Georgia has a website with information specific to the University community, which is being updated regularly:

If you are traveling through a University of Georgia-organized Spring Break trip, you should stay in close contact with the sponsoring organization since the situation may change between now and your planned trip. If you are planning your own travel, please refer to the travel information posted by Centers for Disease Control and the U.S. State Department.

The campus’ senior leadership team will continue to meet regularly and monitor developments and will inform the campus community as the situation warrants.


Thank you for the time and effort many of you gave in preparation and engagement with the accreditation site review team last week.

The College has been accredited for decades by the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AAFCS), the national umbrella organization of the profession.  We received the verbal summary with six commendations of excellence for the college, and an equal number, six recommendations and issues to address to meet the standards of accreditation. In 30 days we will receive written summary and be able to share those key points. In the fall we will receive final report. In the meantime, we will immediately begin work on the recommendations and include action steps in the Strategic Plan 2025.  

We know that the College had diverse representation and rich dialogue through your participation. Thank you.


I was very inspired by the College’s strategic plan visioning sessions and forums held over two days in November. More than 160 faculty and staff offered thoughtful input and feedback to open-ended questions as they envisioned our shared future in response to the UGA Strategic Plan 2025.

Since then, a 16-person committee /college/strategy-plan in the College has been meeting in three sub-committees:

  • Promoting Excellence in Teaching and Learning
  • Growing Research, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship
  • Strengthening Partnerships with Communities across Georgia and Around the World

This committee has also reviewed the suggested changes to the college’s Mission Statement.

Here are the next steps to participate in shaping the FACS Strategic Plan 2025.

In late March, a Qualtrics survey will be distributed to the FACS faculty and staff, alumni and advisory board and student leaders who were surveyed in the fall as we began the SP process. This survey will ask for preference for one of two revised Mission Statements. The survey will also prevent the college’s Goals, suggested strategies over the next five years to achieve those goals, and measures of Key Performance Indicators. You input will be sought for agreement and/or your ideas regarding these. 

By April 1 a DRAFT college strategic plan will be submitted to the Provost’s Office of Accreditation and Institutional Effectiveness.

In late April, the College Assembly will provide updates and discussion on the Accreditation as well as the Strategic Plan.


More than 80 applications were reviewed for CTL’s 2020 Active Learning Summer Institute. We are pleased to share two FACS faculty were selected:

TMI, Jewon Lyu, for the redesign of her course, TXMI 3240: Retail Planning and Buying

FHCE, Kim Skobba, for the redesign of her course, FHCE 3300: Housing in Contemporary Society

faculty seed grants in social and behavioral science

The Owens Institute for Behavioral Research (OIBR) is seeking applications for faculty seed grant projects in the areas of social and behavioral science. All faculty in the social and behavioral sciences are encouraged to apply, but OIBR will give preference to proposals from faculty who are currently fellows, affiliates, or grantsmanship development program participants of OIBR. In line with the mission of OIBR, projects must demonstrate a commitment to interdisciplinary research and, as outlined in the program announcement, lead to a full grant proposal to be submitted through OIBR or, if submitted through home unit, notification should be given to OIBR that a proposal is resulting from the project.  

Attached you will find the OIBR Seed Grant Program Announcement (application instructions and details regarding the review process) as well as the OIBR Seed Grant Submission Form.  Please note all completed applications are due on March 31, 2020, and must be submitted electronically as a single combined PDF to the Assistant Director, Kimberly Cherewick, at  Questions about allowable expenses not referenced on the instructions, or any other facet of the seed grant program, should be directed to Jody Clay-Warner, Associate Director of OIBR, at


FACS Alumni Association Board of Directors is seeking nominations for new potential members for our FACS Alumni  Board and for the Executive Board. Board President Beth Schuler asks you to give this process careful consideration and think about people that are eager to give their time, talents, and financial commitment.  

Nominations for new board members are open now until April 3. Nomination Link:

Keep in mind our goals for a diverse board. After nominations come through, follow up with the nominees will occur to confirm her or she wants to be considered for the position. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me or Alexis Randall, FACS Alumni Relations Director, if you have questions!  

SCHEDULE (Dean’s travel and purpose during the next two weeks):

  • Monday – Friday March 9 – 13, Spring Break Week on annual leave.
  • The next Dean’s Update will be the week of March 24, 2020.


Linda Kirk Fox


The College of Family and Consumer Sciences at the University of Georgia embraces a commitment to diversity by modeling for the state and nation a community of individuals and programs which seek to reduce prejudice, disparities, and discrimination and build a supportive environment for all.