June 24, 2021
Contact: Linda Fox  |   | More about Linda


SSAC Director Cara Simmons has been selected to the next class of Lead Athens. She will participate in the year-long program of the Athens Area Chamber of Commerce designed to develop effective leaders committed to building a vibrant community. Cara was among the nominees submitted by UGA, which I want to recognize and say congratulations. We look forward to hearing from her as the 2021-2022 Lead Athens program unfolds.


Faculty member Jamie Cooper, the Bill Flatt Professor in the department of nutritional sciences has been named interim associate dean in the College of Family and Consumer Sciences, effective August 1, 2021. Cooper will continue in her role as and director of the UGA Obesity Initiative. Read the full story on our web page https://www.fcs.uga.edu/news/story/cooper-named-facs-interim-associate-dean and in social media. Sheri Worthy, the Samuel A. and Sharon Y. Nickols Professor who serves as associate dean for academic programs, was named the college’s interim dean in May by UGA Provost Jack Hu, effective Aug. 1 upon Fox’s retirement after 10 years in the role.


Becky Brightwell, IHDD has agreed to serve as the associate dean for academic program’s proxy on the University Council while I serve as interim dean. This way, the College has a representative from each of the 4 academic programs plus IHDD.

Melissa Kozak, HDFS has agreed to serve as the associate dean for academic program’s proxy on the University Curriculum Committee while I serve as interim dean. Melissa has years of experience on the FACS Curriculum Committee and as HDFS undergraduate coordinator, so is well prepared for this role.


Co-chaired by Naomi Norman, Office of the Vice President for Instruction, and FACS’ Meigs Professor, Joe GoetzFHCE, a new task force was announced this week to build upon lessons learned in instruction during the pandemic to address challenges and opportunities. The four areas to address are curricular issues, pedagogy, academic support services, and equity and inclusion. Additional FACS representative on the task force is Melissa KozakHDFS. The 26 member TF is expected to complete their work and make recommendations by the end of Fall 2021 semester.

SCHEDULE (Dean’s travel and purpose during the next two weeks):

  • Remote work contact: 706-224-6086 (cell)
  • The next Dean’s Update will be week of July 12


Linda Kirk Fox

Linda Kirk Fox


The College of Family and Consumer Sciences at the University of Georgia embraces a commitment to diversity by modeling for the state and nation a community of individuals and programs which seek to reduce prejudice, disparities, and discrimination and build a supportive environment for all.