Adriana Garcia
Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics
Family atmosphere helped foster a culture of learning for doctoral student
- Hometown
Atlanta. Born in Caracas, Venezuela.
- Major
Ph.D., consumer economics and housing
- Activities/Honors
- UGA Sweaney Innovation Fund Award Winner (2021)
- Member of the FACS Diversity and Inclusion Excellence Planning Group (2021 – 2022)
- UGA Certificate of Diversity and Inclusion (2021)
- Member of the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD) since 2020
- American Real Estate Society (ARES) Doctoral Program Scholarship (2022)
- American Council on Consumer Interests (ACCI) member since 2020
- UGA Graduate School Travel Funds for ACCI for paper presentation (2022)
- Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education (AFCPE) member since 2021
- Graduate Teaching Assistant since 2020
- Why I chose my major
I am passionate about consumer behavior, and I have a very curious mind. I like to go deep into the reasons why people do what they do with their resources (time, relationships, money among others). For me, understanding the factors influencing consumer behavior, particularly in the context of housing markets, made sense as it would leverage part of my previous professional experience and could greatly expand with the faculty’s expertise and guidance. I wanted to delve into demographic trends and grasp the dynamics of diverse consumer groups and markets.
- What I like most about FACS
The people! The most enriching aspect of FACS lies in its outstanding human-centered atmosphere. The faculty and staff create a supportive and collaborative environment. The student body is a group of genuinely nice and educated young people. I felt part of a big family. What sets FACS apart is the openness of everyone in the community to offer assistance and provide guidance to students when needed. This openness creates an environment where students can confidently seek guidance and receive assistance, fostering a culture of continuous learning. The college's commitment to student success is further exemplified by the resources provided, and the leadership's receptiveness to student input. FACS professors and staff genuinely care about the well-being and success of every member of our community.
- Post-graduation plans
I plan to leverage my research skills to continue exploring issues associated with health, earnings, wealth accumulation and housing disparities particularly focusing on the experiences of women and other vulnerable groups. I'm interested in pursuing opportunities in teaching and consulting to share my insights and contribute to the wider conversation surrounding these socio-economic issues.