March 26, 2020
Contact: Linda Fox  |   | More about Linda


Please direct friends and families – including yours – to the excellent resources on the web site of UGA Extension Emergency Resources to help during this public health crisis.

We are pleased and proud of the fast development of high quality materials on a wide range of important topics from cleaning your home, food safety, what to do when income drops, tips for working from home with kids – you name it!


The UGA Office of Research has provided guidance for researchers about impacts of COVID-19 on research operations. Please refer back to this page for updates, as the situation continues to evolve rapidly. Research Operations FAQ (updated March 24):

Michael McGough, FACS Grants Coordinator, reminds faculty that he and the UGA Office of Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) are working remotely but with full service for faculty for preparing, submitting and awarding grants.


Please work with associate dean for academic programs, Patti-Hunt Hurst for your questions and needs related to teaching and student resources. Posted to our college web site /faculty_staff_resources/policies-and-procedures are the following:

Continuity of teaching plan /docs/Preparedness_Plan_Instruction_03_16_2020.pdf

Captioned media process /docs/03_12_2020_Captioned_Media_Process.pdf

FAQ from and for faculty for online teaching /docs/03_09_2020_Faculty_FAQ_for_Online_Teaching_M_Pethel_OTIS.pdf

Ten Tips for Quickly Converting Courses for Online Delivery /docs/03_09_2020_10_tips_for_online_teaching_M_Pethel_OTIS.pdf

The USG has released a Rapid Guide to Teaching Online that may help faculty move their courses online. We have created a more UGA-specific version of this and have released it as an eLC course, HERE. Anyone with an instructor role on eLC has already been enrolled in the course. Others may request access, HERE. This course can help faculty make a rapid transition to online learning.

The Withdrawal deadline has been pushed back to April 17th to allow students time to re-assess their coursework and preparation and to make an informed decision regarding continuing in their classes.

Fall 2020 Registration is pushed back to April 14.


At present, the Libraries’ key service priorities are: 1) helping faculty move to online instruction, and 2) transitioning to digital access for library resources and services. We are aided in this work in that the Libraries shifted the majority of our collection investment to online resources years ago.  

In implementing our continuity plan, we are: 

·         Relying on online access to e-journals, databases, e-books, streaming media, and digitized holdings to fill most library resource needs;  

·         Providing research assistance via electronic chat and email (; 

·         Scheduling individual research consultations conducted remotely;  

·         Working with faculty to offer planned library research instruction via web conference or other online means;  

·         Continuing to fill interlibrary loan requests for electronic/scanned articles from other institutions;  

·         Filling electronic course reserves for digital content, and leveraging e-reserves and eLC reading lists service to help faculty move classes online;  

·         Providing copyright/fair use assistance for faculty working to move course content online;  

·         Relying on “suggest a purchase form” to fill needs for expedited e-book purchases; 

·         Expanding use of streaming video services/acquisitions to support instruction; 

·         Extending book loan periods to July 1 and suspending fines and fees; 

·         Providing long term laptop loans to students in particular categories as defined by the Division of Academic Enhancement. 

At present, all of the UGA Libraries facilities including the MLC are closed to the public, but we have a small number of essential staff on-site to support the following services: 

·         Front-door pickup at the Main Library for materials pre-requested from the Main Library, Science Library, Shelving Repository, and Law Library; 

·         Free article, chapter, textbook scanning services for faculty and students;  

·         Free emailed scans of archival material from Special Collections (email:; 

·         By-appointment computer access for students who must be on campus and who lack access to technology (very limited occupancy for distance learning needs); and 

·         By-appointment access for faculty and graduate students to use archival material at the Special Collections Library to prepare for distance learning. 

A service continuity LibGuide is available at: . It includes a resource for faculty preparing for online  instruction ( and guidance for our students (, an FAQ, along with information on other resources and services during the COVID-19 crisis.   

The University has additional fair use opportunities to more liberally scan material for instructional use in this emergency situation, and we worked with the Law Library and UGA Office of Legal Affairs on a related statement and scanning service: 

In an effort to assist instructors and students engaged in online teaching and learning during the current crisis, the UGA Press has joined other scholarly publishers in opening all of its current e-book content for 90 days via three library aggregators launching such programs: ProQuest, Project Muse, and JSTOR. 

The Georgia Review will make the digital copy of its new issue on the U.S. Census free to instructors who are reconceptualizing their courses for remote learning. 

Graduate students researching at the UGA Wormsloe site did not return from break, and we have suspended tours at the Georgia Capitol Building (the Libraries manage the Georgia Capitol Museum). All Libraries programs, events, and tours are cancelled through April 7. 

Our services (particularly those that require on-site staff) are subject to change. The Libraries web site provides current information on the status of library services: 

March 23: UGA Library Resources


The campus’ senior leadership team will continue to meet regularly and monitor developments and will inform the campus community as the situation warrants.

We urge you to pay attention to direct communications that you receive from the University of Georgia via ArchNews and to ignore the many rumors or unsubstantiated information that you might receive from other sources. We will communicate with you as soon as we have any updates to share.

Updates also will be posted to and the University of Georgia coronavirus website, which we encourage you to check regularly.


The International Federation of Home Economics (IFHE) has postponed until 2022 the IFHE-US hosted Congress planned for August 2 - 8, 2020. Watch the web site for future developments.

UGA Strategic Planning 2025 process will be pushed out into the summer. That is a relief for the planning committees throughout the university as well as our college. The NEW date for the DRAFT College Strategic Plan will be due July 1 to the Provost’s Office. After review, we will receive feedback by August 15th. The FINAL version will not be due until October 15th.


It is with great pride I share the names of the recipients of the 2020 College faculty and staff awards. For more details about the awards, see the web page /faculty_staff_resources/faculty-and-staff-awards-program

Outstanding Undergraduate Professional Advisor - Christie Sanders

Outstanding Undergraduate Faculty Advisor - Effie Antonoudi, FHCE

Bill and June Flatt Outstanding Teacher of the Year - Melissa Kozak, HDFS

Early Career Faculty Research Award - Lilian Sattler, FDN

Faculty Mentoring Undergraduate Research Award - Hea Jin Park, FDN

Bill and June Flatt Outstanding Faculty Research Award – K.A.S. Wickrama, HDFS

Chris Todd Outstanding Outreach Award - Maria Bermudez, HDFS and colleagues of the Lazos Hispanos program

Bill and June Flatt Outstanding Extension and Outreach Faculty Award - Ali Berg, FDN

Thomas F. Rodgers Outreach  Award - Leigh Anne Aaron (NE District)

Outreach Paraprofessional Award - Fani Orellana (SE District)

Nettie Marie Nickols Outstanding Staff Award  - Cal Powell, Director of Communications

SuperIncluder Award - Melissa McBride, FHCE


Two FACS undergraduate students were selected to be named and celebrated in April with the UGA Presidential Award of Excellence for their outstanding academic achievements and service. These individuals represent the top 1 percent of the undergraduates at UGA who excel not only in academics, but also in their service the community and in their leadership both on and off campus. Selected by their dean, I’m pleased to share with you the 2020 awardees:

Nicole Crawford, TMI

Resean Wallace, FDN

Needless to say, the UGA President’s award event in April is cancelled, but we will find an appropriate way to honor them, TBD.


I am pleased to share with you the results of the Endsley-Peifer Student Research Paper Awards for published papers in social sciences and in physical/biological sciences /docs/Endsley_Peifer.pdfNote in 2020 we have four @ $1,000 awards for these students.

FDN, Xi Fang, doctoral student in the area of physical/biological science

Effect of Acute Ingestion of Green Tea Extract and Lemon Juice on Oxidative Stress and Lipid Profile in Pigs Fed a High-Fat Diet

Published Antioxidants 2019, 8, 195; doi:10.3390/antiox8060195 

Hea Jin Park, faculty mentor

FHCE, Young Joo Choung, doctoral student in the area of social sciences

Relative Deprivation and Suicide Attack in South Korea

Social Science and Medicine  

Swarn Chatterjee, faculty mentor

TMI, Shafiqul Islam, doctoral student in the area of physical/biological science

Environmentally-friendly thermal and acoustic insulation materials from recycled textiles

Journal of Environmental Management

Gajanan Bhat, faculty mentor

TMI, Sha’Mira Covington, doctoral student in the area of social sciences

Dressing for Freedom and Justice

Clothing Cultures

SCHEDULE (Dean’s travel and purpose during the next two weeks):

  • Remote work contact: 706-224-6086 (cell call or FaceTime)
  • The next Dean’s Update will be the week of April 6, 2020, or earlier.


Linda Kirk Fox


The College of Family and Consumer Sciences at the University of Georgia embraces a commitment to diversity by modeling for the state and nation a community of individuals and programs which seek to reduce prejudice, disparities, and discrimination and build a supportive environment for all.