FACS Connection - February 5, 2021
February 5, 2021

A weekly digest of news, events, and opportunities for all undergraduate FACS students. 

Friday, February 5, 2021

  1. Dawg Check
  2. FACS Day at the Capitol – Register Today!
  3. Virtual Conference Opportunity
  4. ELS – Leadership Summit
  5. FACS Pick of the Week
  6. UGA Cortona Study Abroad
  7. Outstanding Student Leaders (OSL) – Apply Today!
  8. FACS Scholarship Opportunities
  9. UGA Extension: COVID-19 Resources
  10. Don Bower Extension Fund – Apply Today!
  11. UGA Mentor Ambassador Program – Apply Today!
  12. Dean William Tate Honor Society – First Year Students Apply Today!

1. Dawg Check


The University of Georgia is committed to a safe environment for its faculty, students, and staff. As a part of our commitment, we ask that you use DawgCheck to:

2. FACS Day at the Capitol – Register Today!

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The College of Family and Consumer Sciences will virtually host FACS Day at the Capitol, Thursday, February 11, 2021 from 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. We are excited to still be able to connect and celebrate FACS! 

Registration is now open and will close on Friday, February 5th.  A detailed agenda and Zoom information will be sent as the date approaches. Register here.

3. Virtual Conference Opportunity

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Students, are you a group or network, or have a project or idea you’d like to share? Here’s an opportunity to showcase your work and meet other FACS students across the state.

The 2021 Annual Conference of the Georgia Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (GAFCS) Is open to all FACS majors. The conference will be held March 5, 2021. The GAFCS Conference will be virtual. Early registration ends February 5th, 2021! All students are fully reimbursed after attending the conference. Register online at https://www.fcs.uga.edu/GAFCS/conference.

Why register for the GAFCS conference?

  • All students are fully reimbursed after attending the conference 
  • Showcase your recent work or idea in a virtual poster or 30-sec pitch
  • To present & build your résumé, sign up here: GAFCS 2021 conference student presentations
  • Eye-opening agenda for networking and professional development
  • National speakers from the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
  • Meet FACS students from other institutions across the state.
  • It’s virtual! 

 Find more information about the conference here: https://www.facebook.com/georgiafcs/. Email any questions to Dr. Sophia Anong, GAFCS Student Unit Advisor.

4. ELS – Leadership Summit

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Leadership Summit is a weekend-long leadership retreat for students interested in having an immersive leadership development experience. The Summit will introduce students to key leadership concepts and the practical applications for everyday life. 

The Leadership Summit is February 12-13, 2021 in-person! Registered students will receive dinner on the first night and lunch on the second day. Visit the link here for more information or to register for the summit!

5.  FACS Pick of the Week


Apply to the Legislative Aide Leadership Fellows Program!

Are you interested, but have questions? Wondering how this applies to your major or degree program? Join an upcoming virtual info session! A former Legislative Aide will attend to answer your questions. Check out former Aide experiences here.

Info Session

  • Thursday, February 18th from 4:00-4:30 p.m. 

The program is a full-time spring semester fellowship experience in Atlanta at the Capitol. Fellows are paired with a local Athens area legislator. The program is experiential learning approved, comes with a $4,000 stipend, and integrates career and leadership development. We are accepting applications for 2022, 2023, and 2024. Email success@uga.edu or visit the Legislative Aide Leadership Fellows Program website to learn more.

6. UGA Cortona Study Abroad


The University of Georgia's oldest study abroad program has been operating in the medieval Tuscan hill town of Cortona, Italy for more than 50 years. UGA Cortona offers an extensive list of studio art and art history courses, as well as classes in Italian, English, Women's Studies, Science, Business, Landscape Architecture, Interior Design, Graphic Design, and Agriculture. Earn UGA credit while living in Tuscany and traveling with the program to Italian cities such as Rome, Florence, Venice, Siena, Naples, Orvieto, Assisi, and many more!

Please see the UGA Cortona website for full program details and for scholarship information.

7. Outstanding Student Leaders (OSL) – Apply Today!


Pandora Yearbook created OSL to give recognition to 10 academic seniors at the University of Georgia that have gone above and beyond and have served as campus leaders. These students have positively impacted their peers and the university as a whole.

These 10 students selected as Outstanding Senior Leaders will be recognized at the SOAR Awards in the Tate Student Center on April 6, 2021, and they will be featured in the 2020-2021 publication of the Pandora Yearbook.  All applications must be completed and submitted by Monday, February 8, 2021 at midnight. We look forward to reviewing your applications!
 * To be eligible, students must be graduating in May or December 2021. Applications can be found on the Involvement Network or at this link.

8.  FACS Scholarship Opportunities


As a FACS major, you have access to exclusive FACS scholarships. Scholarships are gift aid, meaning you do not have to repay them. Visit the FACS Scholarship Page for more information and to apply!

9.  UGA Extension: COVID-19 Resources

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UGA Extension has compiled a list of helpful resources related to the COVID-19 vaccine. To get the latest information, visit extension.uga.edu/emergencies.

10.  Don Bower Extension Fund – Apply Today!

The Don Bower Extension Experience Fund is accepting applications for the Student Extension Internship/Experience College of Family and Consumer Sciences. The submission Deadline is March 1, 2021 for Maymester, Summer, and Fall Semesters 2021.

For more information about finding Extension internship sites, contact Allisen Penn, Associate Dean for Extension and Outreach (facsassocdeans@uga.edu). For information about experiential learning opportunities in the UGA College of Family and Consumer Sciences contact the FACS Student Success and Advising Center.

11.  UGA Mentor Ambassador Program – Apply Today!

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Are you looking to empower yourself and to empower other students to make meaningful connections with UGA alumni? Apply to serve as an Ambassador of the UGA Mentor Program and experience an opportunity that's rewarding, provides autonomy, and gets you out of your comfort zone! The UGA Mentor Ambassador Program is a year-long leadership experience for undergraduate, graduate, or professional students at the University of Georgia.

As a non-credit, Experiential Learning opportunity, Ambassadors of the UGA Mentor Program provide student leaders the opportunity to foster a culture of mentorship at UGA by developing programming, partnerships, and marketing strategies that bring heightened awareness to the UGA Mentor Program while cultivating student’s servant-leadership skills, innovative ideas, and commitment to the UGA Mentor Program.

In order to apply, you must attend ONE mandatory information session (register here) and have had a mentor through the UGA Mentor Program. Applications close on February 26th at 11:59PM. Apply today! If you have any questions, please reach out to Destiny Loyd.

12.  Dean William Tate Honor Society – First Year Students Apply Today!

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Recognized as the most prestigious honor a first-year may receive at the University of Georgia, the Tate Society selects 24 outstanding first-years each spring for membership which extends throughout their time at UGA.

Membership includes a variety of enrichment and service opportunities while building relationships with other outstanding peers at the University of Georgia. 

The application can be found at http://tatesociety.uga.edu and will be open until February 20th at 11:59 PM. 

New to FACS?  View the FACS Connection Archives for past newsletters!

Items for FACS Connection should be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesdays. Instructions on formatting a FACS Connection entry can be found here.

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